Why Cash First?
IFAN and a Cash First Approach to Food Insecurity
IFAN's vision is of a country without the need for charitable food aid where adequate and nutritious food is affordable to all. IFAN calls for governments and national and local partnerships to prioritise a cash first approach to food insecurity and to work together to address the root causes of food insecurity and poverty.
IFAN is working to promote a cash first approach to food insecurity in a number of ways
by advocating for all local authorities to provide adequate, well-promoted and easy accessible cash payments to people in financial crisis
by advocating for systemic changes that would see social security payments and wages match the cost of living and the root causes of food insecurity and poverty addressed
by co-developing and circulating cash first referral leaflets across multiple local authorities
by supporting their member organisations to use shopping cards or vouchers and/or cash grants instead of or alongside food parcels or other food support
Reducing food insecurity, poverty and health inequalities through cash first interventions
Cash first provision at a local level
The Trussell Trust |
November 2022