IFAN is the UK's network of independent food aid providers
Our vision is of a country without the need for charitable food aid where adequate and nutritious food is affordable to all.

Eradicating food insecurity while ending the need for food banks and other forms of charitable food aid
Read IFAN's briefing on eradicating food insecurity while ending the need for food banks and other forms of charitable food aid in the UK. IFAN is calling for immediate, cash first actions to reduce severe food insecurity​.​​​​​

IFAN's letter
to our new
Prime Minister​​​​​​​
Read IFAN's letter to our new Prime Minister, signed by IFAN's member organisations operating across the UK. Sent on the day after the election, it calls for immediate actions to reduce food insecurity and poverty.​​​​​​​​​​​

New ScotCen evaluation on the ‘Worrying About Money?’ guide in Scotland ​​
This latest evaluation by ScotCen is based on semi-structured interviews with members of the public facing financial insecurity in Scotland who have used IFAN's 'Worrying About Money?' resources to find help and support.​​​​​